Matushri Kanbai Lalbai & Motibai Lohana Kanyashala & Balikagruh's

B.L. Amlani College of Commerce & Economics M.R. Nathwani College of Arts

(Linguistic Minority-Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
(NAAC Re-Accredited B+, Recognition of 2(f) under UGC Act 1956)


Gurupurnima celebration

The festival of Guru Purnima had celebrated in our College on 16th July 2019. ‘This Guru Purnima, reflect on your life and honor the wisdom that life has offered. It is a day to be grateful. When you see how wisdom has transformed your life, you feel grateful for all that has come your way. Celebrating this feeling of gratitude is Guru Purnima.’

On guru-Purnima, many students our college offered gratitude for the profound education they have received under the guidance of teachers. Our Principal Dr. Jitendra Aherkar made the students aware of the fact that everyday could be Guru Purnima in their lives when they honour what life has taught them. Wisdom is there in each one of us, but we must throw light on our life, because when we throw light on our life, wisdom dawns.

On the auspicious occasion of guru poornima since time immoral to bring the awakening of life. Students offered gratitude to the gurus. Some offered thankfulness & gratefulness to the faculties. College had organized “Greeting card making competition” for students. Students have prepared wonderful “Thank you” greeting cards for Gurus! Competition had been judge by Asst. Prof. Rajat Bandopadhyay, Asst. Prof. Dinesh Chotrani and Asst. Prof. Nikhil Mane. It was really a tough task for judges to decide the winner! Active participation of the students added glory to the event.


Winner of the Greeting card competition:

1stPrize:   Neamat Mohd Akbar- TYBCOM

2nd Prize:  Ruchita Hasam – TYBMM

3rd Prize:  1) Kinjal Patel - FYBCOM

                 2) Divya Pancholi - SYBBI

Consolation: Akanksha Deepak Naik- FYBMS  

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