Matushri Kanbai Lalbai & Motibai Lohana Kanyashala & Balikagruh's

B.L. Amlani College of Commerce & Economics M.R. Nathwani College of Arts

(Linguistic Minority-Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
(NAAC Re-Accredited B+, Recognition of 2(f) under UGC Act 1956)

Notices Academic Year 2019-2020

Notices Academic Year 2019-2020


Diwali vacation

Date: 25/07/2018


Students are hereby informed that college will remain closed from 25th October 2019 to 14th November 2019 on Account of Diwali Vacation. Regular lecture will commence from 15th November, 2019.



Semester End Examination

Date: 25/07/2018


All the students are hereby informed that college will be conduction semester end examination from 14th October, 2019 to 24th September, 2019 for all the courses, first year and second year students. For time table, other details and information refer college Examination Notice board.



Navratri Celebration

(For All Undergraduate, Post Graduate and Alumni Students)


Date: 23/09/2017


This is to inform student that college will be celebrating Navtratri festival on 7th October, 2019. On account of which college is organizing Rass Garba evening at college.

All students and are invited for the celebration.

Time: 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Date: 7th October 2019, Saturday.

Venue: College Auditorium 3rd Floor.



WDC Activity - Personality Development

Date: 11/09/2019

This is to inform student that WDC Department of the college will be conduction personality development and Health and hygiene workshop on 18 September 2019 and 19th September 2019.

All interested students are hereby informed to assemble at the venue on time for the event.


Venue: Room No. 201.

Time: 10.00am to 12.00pm



Internal Exam

Date: 25/07/2018


All the students are hereby informed that college will be conduction 1st, 3rd, and 5th semester internal examination from 14th  September 2019  to 21st September 2019. For time table, other details and information refer college Examination Notice board.



Bisleri Company Visit


Date: 25/07/2018

Students are hereby informed that college is organizing one day industrial visit to Bisleri Industry Andheri on 11 September 2018. Interested students who want to give their name for the visit, contact concerned course coordinators. 



Ganapati vacation

Date: 25/07/2018


Students are hereby informed that college will remain closed from 2nd September 2019 to 7th September  2019 on Account of Ganesh Chaturthi Festival. Regular lecture will commence from 8 August 2019.




Date: 16/07/2018

Like every year; B.L.Amalni College & Rajani Foundation have taken up an initiative to save environment by taking “Zero plastic movement and beach cleaning drive” on 30th August and  8th September 2019.

In this regards poster making competition will be organized on 30th August 2019 and beach cleaning drive on 8th September 2019.

All students are informed to participate in completion be present for the event in large numbers.



E- Lecture Series- Dr. Anandibai Joshi Movie Screening


Date: 16/08/2019


2019-2020 is remarkable year in the success story of B.L.Amlani College, as our college has successfully completed 10th year of its journey. On account of celebrating the successful journey, 30thAugust, 2019, college is organizing movie screening activity under the title of E-Lecture series at Iswar Vijay Hall of B.L.Amlani College at 3rd floor. The movie screening will be from 8.00am to 10.00am. All students are hereby informed to assemble at the venue on time for the event.



Visit to RBI Monetary Museum

(For BBI and BMS Only)

Date: 14/08/2019


The Students are hereby informed that College is organizing one day industrial visit to RBI monetary museum, on 29th August, 2019, Thursday for BBI and BMS students. Students can give their names to respective Course co-coordinators. Limited seats available and admission on first come, first serve basis.



Placement Drive

Date: 14/08/2019


The Students are hereby informed that College is organizing Placement drive for Second year and Third year students 28th August, 2019 at 10.00 am, This year Synoptics technology Ltd is visiting our campus for placement drive. This will be paid placement. Interested students can give their name to the concerned course coordinators.



Seminar on - Careers in Information Technology Sector


Date: 14/08/2019

The Students are hereby informed that College will be organizing seminar on certificate course on 21st and 22nd August, 2019 at 10.00 am on advance computers for the students of all under graduate Courses. Mr. Ketan Soni and Mr. Anuj Dhagat from Raj Computer Academy will be the resource person for the seminar.

All interested students are hereby informed to give name to your coordinators and assemble at the venue on time for the event.



52ndYouth Festival of Mumbai University


Date: 1/8/2019


The Students are hereby informed that 16th August 2018 & 17th August 2018, will be non instructional days on account of 52ndYouth Festival of Mumbai University “Yuva Mohotsav” 2019-2020 for Zone III, which will be held on in our college. Office will remain operative on both the days.



A.D. Shroff Memorial Elocution Competition

Date: 1/8/2019


This is to inform all students that college is organizing the 55th “A.D. Shroff Memorial Elocution Competition”. Student can choose any topic of their choice from  three topics Related to Indian Economy A) Quest towards Inclusive Growth in India B) Health for all Reforming National Health Policy and C) Role of a Model Citizen in India Democracy.


All interested students are hereby informed to give name to your coordinators and assemble at the venue on time for the event.


Time: 10.00 am

Date: 13th August, 2019, Saturday.

Venue: Room No.301


Visit to Film and Television Division

Date: 1/8/2019


This is to inform all students that college in association with Arena Arts and Film Division India visit to Film division of India Pedder Road to understand the International and National Films, short films, Documentary’s - film making styles and Visit to Film Museum.

All interested students are hereby informed to assemble at the venue on time for the event.

Time: 7.30 am

Date: 8th August, 2019, Saturday.

Venue: Assembly at, Arena animation centre Andheri West


Orientation for Certification Course

Date: 31/07/2019


This is to inform all students who have enrolled for certificate courses of Business Administration and Office Administration are required to assemble for orientation programme.

All the Students are hereby informed to assemble at the venue on time for the event.

Time: 10.00 am to 11.00am

Date: 6th August, 2019, Saturday.

Venue: Class Room, 2nd Floor,201.


M. Com Orientation

Date: 27/07/2019


This is to inform all newly admitted first year Post graduate students of M.Com, (Advance Accountancy, Business Management, Banking and E. Commerce) that college will be organizing Orientation Program. Identity card & Library card will also be issued on the same day hence 2 Passport size photographs for the same.

 All the Students are hereby informed to assemble at the venue on time for the event.

Time: 9.00 am to 10.30am

Date: 3rd August, 2019, Saturday.

Venue: Class Room, 2nd Floor,201.


Talent Hunt competition

Date: 9/07/2018

This is to inform students that our college is organizing Talent hunt competition. The competition will included following categories: Debate, Elocution, Story writing, solo singing, Group singing, solo dance, group dance, Rangoli, Mehendi, Nail art, Collage and Photography & Poster making Competition. For details of the event venue and timing for the event refer College notice board 2nd Floor.

All the Students are hereby informed to assemble at the venue on time the event.

Time: 9.00 am to 12.00am

Date: 23rd July 2019, Saturday.

Venue: Class Room 201,202 and 203



Motivational Lecturer by Monisha Doley

Date: 3/07/2019

This is to inform students that our college will be conducting motivational lecture to first year students.

Lecture will be conducted by Ms. Monsiha Doley who is Indian Television Actress and Model, who is the first to win Crafts Villa Miss Ethnic India 2015 to give a motivational lecture to first year students. She is the author of the book “Get High on Spirit” – guidebook from feeling stuck to complete personal freedom and miracles.” She is also confidence coach, motivational and TEDX speaker.

Time: 8.00 am to 9.00am

Date: 20th July 2019, Saturday.

Venue: Class Room 201



Guru Poornima Celebration

Date: 2/07/2019


This is to inform students that our college will be celebrating festival of Guru Poornima, On occasion of this Programme College is organizing, greeting card completion students interested to participate can assemble at the venue with required material.

All the Students are hereby informed to assemble at the venue on time the event.

Time: 10.00 am to 12.00pm

Date: 16th July 2019, Tuesday.


Ashadhi Ekadashi Celebration

Date: 1/7/2019

This is to inform students that our college will be celebrating Ashadhi Ekadashi on 12th July 2019 at 8:30 a.m. Ashadhi Ekadashi. On this occasion college will be arranging rally. Which will start from college and will have round in near vicinity and end at college.

All are informed to be present for the event on time. Dress code traditional.


Orientation Program

Date:   01/07/2019

This is to inform all newly admitted first year undergraduate students of B.Com, B.A, B. M. S, B.B.I, B.A .F and B.M.M that college will be organizing Orientation Program.

All the Students are hereby informed to assemble at the venue on time for the event.

Time: 9.00 am to 11.00am

Date: 6rd July 2019, Saturday.

Venue: College Auditorium 3rd Floor.



Tree Plantation Drive


Date:   24/06/2019

This is to inform students that our college will be organizing tree plantation drive and awareness rally.

All the Students are hereby informed to assemble at the venue on time the event.

Time: 8.30 am to 11.30am

Date: 3rd July 2019, Wednesday.

Venue: Clara's College of Commerce, Yari Road,

Versova, Andheri West, Maharashtra 400061




GST Seminar

Date: Date:   19/06/2019

This is to inform students that our college will be organizing GST Seminar in collaboration with Board of studies, accountancy department- University of Mumbai and Institute of Chartered accountants of India.

All the Students are hereby informed to assemble at the venue on time the event.


Time: 8.00 am to 11.00am

Date: 26th June 2019, Wednesday.

Venue: College Auditorium 3rd Floor.



International Yoga Day Celebration

Date:   14/06/2019


Our college will be celebrating International “YOGA DAY” on 21st June 2019.

 All the Students are hereby informed to assemble at the venue on time.

Time: 8.00 am to 9.30am

Venue: 3rd floor Ishwar Vijay Hall



College Reopening


Date:   29/04/2019

Students are hereby informed that the college will re-open on 6th June, 2019.

Regular lecture will commencing from the same date at 7.30am.

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