Matushri Kanbai Lalbai & Motibai Lohana Kanyashala & Balikagruh's

B.L. Amlani College of Commerce & Economics M.R. Nathwani College of Arts

(Linguistic Minority-Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
(NAAC Re-Accredited B+, Recognition of 2(f) under UGC Act 1956)

Department Arts and Mass Media


Our college had organized the 55th “A.D.Shroff Memorial Elocution Competition” for Students on 13th August 2019 at 10 Am in Room no. 301. The three topics Related to Indian Economy were given namely A) Quest towards Inclusive Growth in India B) Health for all Reforming National Health Policy and C) Role of a Model Citizen in India Democracy; on which students have presented their views within the given time limit. The event was coordinated by  Asst.Prof.  Mrs. Shivani Mathur and Asst.Prof.  Mr. Nikhil Mane. The Competition was judged by Asst.Prof.  Mrs. Parul  Mehta and Asst. Prof. Dr. Aruna Singham. The participants were confident enough to express their views on relevant topic and it had positive impact on audience. The honorable judges appreciated and guided the students for their further improvements. The winner's of the competition were awarded certificate by our respected Principal Sir Dr.Jitendra Aherkar.


The Prize Winner's for the Competition are as follows:

1st prize: - Sakshi Singh

2nd prize: - Khushbu Solanki

3rd prize: - Vanshika Sinha


Our college has organized One day visit on 8th August 2019 Arena Arts and Film Division India. The students of the respective classes visited the Arena animation centre at 7.30 am; Head of Arena addressed the students regarding the different certificate courses and career opportunities in the Animation and VFX Industry. Visit continued to Film division of India Pedder Road to understand the International and National Films, short films, Documentary’s - film making styles. It enhanced the knowledge of students from the perspective of mass communication. Museum visit was very informative and interesting for the students. The visits have been successfully organized under the guidance of Professor Dr Aruna Singham, Asst. Prof. Sonali Shiralkar, Asst. Prof.  Surajkumar Dubey and Asst. Prof.  Nikhil Mane. Objective of this visit was to enhance the knowledge of students. Overall it was successful activity; it helped in upliftment of the students.


One day psychology seminar on “Youth Mental health Contemporary complications “were attended by our BA students at R.D Nation College on 27th  August 2019 at 8:30 AM .

Dr Gaurav Kulkarni had word with students regarding Social Anxiety Fear of Missing Out (Fomo) In Adolescents; Mrs Panna Kamaljit had given a different view on social topic like- “Seeking Validation through Social Media - In Adolescents”, Professor Meet encouraged youth and made them aware about “Commitment Issues and Hookup Culture in Youth”. Dr. Sharmila Banwat talked about “The Trivialization of Mental Illness in Pop Culture” while Dr. Syeda Ruksheda put light on “The Accelerated Rate in Which the Youth Is Reaching Maturity Levels (Role Of Parents And Peers)”.

The students understood new psychological terminology like FOMO, JOMO and Generation Z. All Five speakers shared their valuable knowledge on various topics .The entire seminar was very interesting and informative for the students and they were awarded by participation certificate.

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