Matushri Kanbai Lalbai & Motibai Lohana Kanyashala & Balikagruh's

B.L. Amlani College of Commerce & Economics M.R. Nathwani College of Arts

(Linguistic Minority-Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
(NAAC Re-Accredited B+, Recognition of 2(f) under UGC Act 1956)

Department Management Studies


A visit to  Bisleri International, Andheri (East ) was organized  for the F.Y,S.Y.and T.Y. B.M.S. students . Approximately 40 students went for the visit. In the Bisleri factory, the first session started with a Power Point Presentation in which the History of Bisleri ,Advertisements of the Bisleri ,reuse of plastic  bottles and Corporate videos were shown to the students which were very  informative  for the students . The session was followed by a question – answer interaction between the students and the Bisleri staff. In the second session,a visit of the Bisleri Factory was organized. Firstly, plastic cap and boots were distributed among the students. The students were shown the process of water purification,filling of water in the bottles ,closing of bottles ,labeling  and assembling process ;which was really very informative and interesting  for the students . At the end Certificates were awarded to the students and gift hampers were given by the company to the students.

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